Thursday, December 17, 2009

Numbers 10-14, 16-17

The beginning of the Book of Numbers gives a census of the Israelite community, followed by additional laws they should follow. The continuing story picks up in chapter 10.

1. Consider the hearts of various characters in this section. Whose agenda are they concerned with?

2. What have the Israelites learned so far from God's miraculous provisions for them?

3. What are the driving forces behind the various characters' actions? Which ones can you relate to today?

4. How would you characterize the people's destination for themselves? How would you characterize God's destination for the people?

1 comment:

  1. I am so struck by the heart issues in this section that are so common to all of us--dissatisfaction and hunger for more food, sibling rivalry fed by jealousy, fear of the unknown, thinking you know better than God's plan, and vying for power and authority. They all revolve around self. God uses this time in their lives (as he does for all of us) to trust and depend more on him.
