Friday, December 4, 2009

Genesis 18-23

1. As you begin to see God's purposes unfolding, what do you learn about his sense of justice?

2. What do you learn about his grace?

3. How does the ultimate destination differ between those who want to know God and those who don't?

1 comment:

  1. God is no bystander in the affairs of the world. He gives them opportunity to make choices, but ultimately judges/destroys sin. In the case of Abraham, he steps in to help guide decisions/actions the right way, but still looks for a faithful response on Abraham's part. But God also shows mercy to those outside the covenant when they look to him

    18:3 Abraham's purpose: hospitality
    18:10 God's destination-eart visit to Abraham & Sarah to communicate birth of Isaac through Sarah
    18:16-33 God's purpose: destroy Sodom & Gomorrah because its sin was so great
    18:25 God IS a righteous judge, yet willing to spare the whole city for 10 righteous people
    19:2-3 Lot's purpose: hospitality
    19:5 Sodom's men's purpose: sodomy
    19:10,15-22 God/angels' purpose: show mercy to Lot's family even while they hesitated to take advantage of it
    19:25-28 Sodom/Gomorrah's ultimate destination-destruction
    19:30-38 Lot's daughters' goal-continue family line through sinful means
    20:2 Abraham's purpose-deception for better life (his)
    20:3 God's purpose-protect Sarah, family line
    20:8 Abimelech's purpose-right the wrong that was done
    21:1-2,6: God's purpose-fulfill promise (Isaac born), give Sarah joy
    21:14 Hagar's destination-Beersheeba-not part of the promise, but taken care of because of Abraham-another picture of God's mercy
    Gen 22: God's purpose-test Abraham, provide a sacrifice
    Gen 23: Abraham's purpose-purchase land to bury Sarah
