Thursday, December 31, 2009

Judges 19-21, Ruth 1-4

1. What does the incident amongst the Benjamites bring to mind from earlier readings? What is different about the circumstances and results?

2. How does this incident bring the story of Judges and the situation of the Israelites to a head?

3. How does the story of Ruth, set during the same time period, offer a ray of hope for Israel?

1 comment:

  1. This is sadly reminiscent of Sodom before God destroyed it. It is so grotesque it is surprising that God doesn't respond more harshly. Israel has certainly fallen far. In that context, it is amazing to read of Boaz, a man who still honors and reflects the love and generosity of God. From him and Ruth, in this story of redemption, comes a family line that sings of hope through David, and ultimately Jesus.
