Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009

Genesis 12-17

1. What specific verses do you see that speak of destination (doesn't have to be the actual word, but a place to go, a goal to pursue, a direction to head)

2. How do you see the theme of destination at the chapter (not verse) level?

3. How does God reveal himself/his purposes more clearly to mankind?

4. Does it make a difference?

1 comment:

  1. In the midst of man's sin, God gets much more specific with one man, Abram. Abram still makes mistakes, but God appears to him personally to keep him on the right track. The rest of mankind continues in their own way--sin, warfare, competition, etc.

    12:2 A new destination for Abram, though unspecified--funny how this doesn't sound all that different from what the people at Babel were trying to accomplish (ch.11), but this time it's God's plan, not man's.
    12:4-5 Abram is obedient to God's plan--destination Canaan.
    12:6-9 tangible destinations--Shechem-Bethel-Negev-Egypt-Negev-Bethel
    13: Abram-accumulation of wealth, calling on the Lord, parting of ways with Lot
    14: Other people-quarreling, sin, war
    15: God reveals himself to Abram, makes promises, covenant
    16: Sarai's plan results in Ishmael, bad relations with Hagar
    17: God gets much more specific with his plans for Abraham-fruitful offspring (from Sarah), land of Canaan, obligations (circumcision)
