Monday, December 28, 2009

Judges 1-6

1. What complications do the Israelites face when they reach their destination?

2. What are the implications of obedience vs. disobedience?

3. How does training of the next generation influence the actions of the Israelites?

4. How does God work around or through the Israelites' disobedience?

1 comment:

  1. What strikes me most in this section is how quickly the people forget (or choose to not act on) God's acts of faithfulness in the past. They swear allegiance and then fail to obey, resulting in severe testing. Their situation goes from bad to worse, as does their passing on teaching of faith to the next generation. Even when God graciously lifts up judges to relieve them from their distress, it's not enough for them to continue on in faith--as soon as the judge is gone, they're back to their old ways. One other note of interest to me is how the southern part of the kingdom routes the other tribes, but the north fails. Is this indicative of the geography? the strength of the tribes in that area? or the lack of faith/persistence/obedience of the Israelite tribes there--it persists later in the history of Israel as well.
