Tuesday, February 9, 2010

John 7-12

1. What seems to be the purpose for Jesus' miracles?

2. What kinds of responses does he get?

3. How does he demonstrate care for the people around him?

4. What does it take for you to believe?

1 comment:

  1. In John's gospel, the miracles seem very pointedly proving that he is from God so that people might believe. His responses are mixed though. There are those who believe and those who want to kill him. But he's not just trying to prove himself. The compassion he shows to the individuals he heals, raises from the dead, feeds, etc. is very real. He understands their problems, but points them to deeper, better life through trust and adoption into the family of God. In many ways things haven't changed. We face similar dilemmas, and the challenge to believe or not.
