Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ezra 8-10; Haggai 1-2

1. What does it mean to leave Babylon and return to Jerusalem?

2. What changes are required of the Israelites once they return to the Promised Land?

3. What can they expect if they don't change? If they do?

4. How does God provide leadership to the people so they know what must change?

1 comment:

  1. It's not enough just to leave home and set out for the Promised Land. God requires a total change in lifestyle. People who had foreign lives, used to a certain lifestyle of comfort, had to give things up to follow God. Fortunately they had the guidance of Ezra and Haggai, men who knew God's word and were not afraid to tell people how to change. Without changing their lives, they would remain unsatisfied; changing their ways promised ultimate blessing.
