Monday, February 15, 2010

Acts 7-12

1. Jesus told his disciples that they would face persecution just as he had. How does Stephen's life and death parallel Jesus'?

2. How does God jumpstart the spread of his gospel?

3. What people are surprises in turning to the gospel?

4. How might we limit God's work by our own understanding of who he might save or not save?

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty amazing how quickly Jesus' followers go through the same things he did (as he prayed in John 17), both in terms of having a profound affect on people, as well as facing suffering and persecution. But just as Jesus prayed, the Spirit is with them, guiding them, giving them power, words, and understanding, even in the face of great surprises to them. Who would have guessed that Saul, who persecuted the church, would become its greatest advocate, or that the Gentiles would be brought in through Cornelius' interaction with Peter, or the impact that Philip would have on the Ethiopians, or that Simon the sorcerer would show interest. We shouldn't put God in a box when it comes to expecting someone to be saved by him or not.
