Monday, March 15, 2010

Romans 9-12

1. How should we regard God's choice of Jews vs. Gentiles in his kingdom?

2. When it comes down to it, who is in a position to decide the fate of the creation?

3. In view of God's mercy, how should we regard our role in the body of faith?

4. What are we called to do as we interact with one another?

1 comment:

  1. Paul's great love for the Jews comes through clearly in this section, yet he is very clear that all are saved through faith, regardless of background or bloodline. Paul asks some of the classic questions posed by people throughout time--some of which come down to the fact that we are part of the creation, not the Creator, and it's not up to us how God regards us. But in view of his mercy toward us, we ought to sacrifice our lives and align our wills with his, loving others as he has loved us.
