Thursday, March 25, 2010

1 John 1-5

1. How does the witness of those who physically interacted with Jesus (vv. 1-4) make a difference to those of us who listen to their testimony now?

2. How does John view sin?

3. What should God's love mean in our lives?

1 comment:

  1. Those who witnesses Jesus physically attests to the fact that Jesus was a historical figure on earth, not some spirit or figment of someone's imagination. He physically came to this earth and died for love of us. John is very honest about sin. If we claim to belong to God, we can't intentionally continue in ways of sin, yet none of us is without sin--we need to rely on God for forgiveness of sin. Because of God's love we should be tranformed people, loving him and others, markedly different from the rest of the world. Love is the mark of God and should be the mark of our lives as we live in response to what he has done in our lives.
