Monday, January 11, 2010

2 Samuel 8-13

1. How do David's battles for the nation of Israel compare with his battles on the homefront?

2. What does David's relationship with Bathsheba teach David about God?

3. What impact does David's disobedience have on his future family life?

4. How does success or failure impact God's destination for you?

1 comment:

  1. The thing that really strikes me about David is his ability to love, mourn, reach out to others who have been his enemy in a real heartfelt manner. Clearly we see how human he is and the mistakes he makes in response to temptation. But he must have a profound sense of God's forgiveness in his life to be able to extend a hand to Saul's family, the Ammonites, and Absalom. He who has been loved much, loves well.
