Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2 Samuel 21-24

1. To whom does David attribute his battle successes?

2. How do enemies translate into our modern setting?

3. What kind of battles would you anticipate "mighty men/women" fighting today on behalf of God?

4. What does it mean for your house to be right with God (2 Sam. 23:5)?

1 comment:

  1. This might be over-spiritualizing things. But if the battle against the enemy today is fighting sin, then the continual battles against people like the Philistines or other nations are like heart issues that take a lifetime to resolve. We make progress in beating it back, but then it returns, sometimes under a different guise, to trip us up again in other circumstances. In that case, the mighty men/women of God are those who continually rely humbly on God's grace and power, and continue to fight the enemy of sin and work at establishing God's kingdom throughout their lives.
