Monday, January 4, 2010

1 Samuel 7-12

1. How do the people of Israel view their "destination" compared to the other nations around them?

2. How would you evaluate Samuel's success as a judge? How does Samuel see it?

3. How do you view God's concession to give Israel a king? Has his "destination" or plans for his people changed?

4. What evidence is there that Saul is acting according to God's plan?

1 comment:

  1. Samuel appears to be the most effective judge yet (besides Moses), leading Israel his entire life, yet the people reject him--actually reject God's system, wanting to be like other nations. God graciously concedes to their wishes, but warns them about how it will hurt them more than benefit them. It must have been a very humbling experience for Samuel to be obedient his whole life, and then to have both his own children as well as his people not follow in the ways of the Lord. But he remained faithful.
